During the World Nature Conference COP15 in Montreal, where global strategies against biodiversity loss were being negotiated, the network asked how nature and climate protection can be more closely linked. At a panel discussion at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, experts from the network and external guests discussed the impact of human activities on ecosystems and addressed the social inequalities exacerbated by environmental degradation. They discussed how to overcome barriers, resolve conflicts of interest, the role of COP15 and how citizens can actively participate. The background was the open letter "https://togetherforbiodiversity.org/ " to the German government, written by network member Filibert Heim and others. Together with members of BUNDjugend, Greenpeace Youth, FridaysForFuture and NAJU, he outlines the dramatic loss of biodiversity and presents some key demands or measures to tackle the sixth mass extinction. The panellists were Filibert Heim, co-initiator of the Open Letter, Jörg Freyhof, expert on biodiversity and taxonomy of freshwater fish, Maike Weißpflug , political scientist, and Konstantin Kreiser, Head of Nature Conservation Policy at NABU e.V. The event was moderated by journalist and presenter Ivy Nortey.
For more information about the format, visit Netzwerk Naturwissen on Tour.